The Policyholder Advocacy Group’s Adjusters are experienced professionals in handling your Hail and Wind Property Damage Insurance Claims We specialize in large loss hail and wind property damage insurance claims involving:
- Tornado Damage Claims
- Hurricane Damage Claims
- Wind & Hail Damage Claims
- Flood & Water Damage Claims
- Earthquake Damage Claims
- Fire Damage Claims
- Smoke Damage Claims
- Business Interruption Claims
- Commercial Properties
- Industrial Properties
- High-End Residential Homes
- Celebrity Homes
- High-Rise Condo Buildings
- Apartment Complexes
- Shopping Centers
- Hotels
- Mold & Asbestos Claims
- Vandalism & Theft Claims
- Information Systems Claims
- Maritime Claims
- Aviation Claims
- Transportation Claims
Liability ClaimsBoth severe winds and hail have the potential to cause significant damage to properties, not only exterior damage, but interior damage as well. These conditions can wear away the protective layers of the roofing system and begin to allow rain waters to enter the structure, compromising the interior, and everything within. Everything from insulation, drywall and paint damage may be visible, yet there may also be damage behind the walls causing potential risks to the electrical, plumbing, and other mechanical services. At The Policyholder Advocacy Group, we have a multitude of expertise and experience in the construction industry to evaluate and assess the extent of the damages and the costs to repair. We offer immediate response services to our customers, working tirelessly to ensure they receive the maximum compensation for their loss.
We begin by implementing a comprehensive property damage scope, including repair costs on structural damage, a lost contents inventory, personal injury and business interruption costs. We assess and accurately document the value of all damaged contents. We may utilize various experts, such as structural engineers, fine art appraisers, architects, general contractors, and other specialists to substantiate the claim.
Insurance companies have the tendency to deny claims associated with hail and wind property damages for an assortment of reasons. However, at The Policyholder Advocacy Group, we have the requisite skill and experience in dealing with hail and wind property damage insurance claims and insurance carriers, to optimize the opportunity for the most advantageous settlement possible. We have adjusters with years of experience advocating for property owners with claims involving large storms. We know how to interpret the insurance policy coverage, assess and document the damages and negotiate on behalf of our clients for the entirety of the process. We establish a professional line of communication with the insurance company adjuster, so you can focus on getting your life or business back in order.
We are steadfastly committed to producing the best possible results for our clients in every wind and hail recovery claim and we have the knowledge, experience, and wherewithal to ensure the job gets done right each and every time.
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